
The statistics on this page are correct as of 5 July 2024.

Top Three Constituencies by Invalid Votes

Each list entry below gives the following information: constituency name, 'invalid votes' cast.

Chorley, 3.41 %

Sheffield South East, 2.18 %

Cheltenham, 1.95 %

For each constituency, the invalid-votes-cast percentage was calculated using: ('invalid votes' cast at last election)/('invalid votes' cast at last election + votes cast at last election) for the respective constituency. For each constituency, the last election may have been during a general election or a by-election.

Biggest Improvers

Each list entry below gives the following information: constituency name, percentage increase.

Cheltenham, 759 %

Doncaster North, 648 %

Sheffield South East, 628 %

For each constituency, the percentage increase was calculated by dividing the above respective percentage (e.g. for Chorley, it was 3.41) by the equivalent percentage for the election previous to it. For each constituency, the last, or second-to-last election, may have been at a general election or a by-election.

These biggest-improver statistics do not include constituencies that have only experienced one election (as a result of boundary changes).

Constituencies by Colour Code (see Flowchart page for colour coding)

Green: 0

Amber: 0

Red: 650

'Invalid Votes' by Election Year

Each list entry below gives the following information: election year; 'invalid votes' cast; votes cast; percentage 'invalid votes' cast.

2024; 116,063; 28,808,662; 0.40 %

2019; 117,919; 32,014,110; 0.37 %

2017; 74,188; 32,204,184; 0.23 %

2015; 102,639; 30,697,525; 0.33 %

For each election year, the invalid-votes-cast percentage was calculated using: ('invalid votes' cast at general election)/('invalid votes' cast at general election + votes cast at general election) for the respective election.