Electoral Observers

For each constituency during a general election, it is important to note that the declared number of votes/'invalid votes' may not match the actual number of votes/'invalid votes'. This could result from counting errors, which would, on average, benefit the bigger piles of ballot papers (be they for a candidate or for 'invalid votes'). But it could also result from the regime lying to us, in under-counting spoilt ballot papers, in under-declaring spoilt-ballot-paper figures, or both. We need to oversee activity in this very important aspect of the election process. For this reason, we need electoral observers. If you would like to be an electoral observer at the next general election, you can apply at https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/observing-elections-and-referendums/apply-be-individual-accredited-observer. If you will be an electoral observer, please inform us using the form below.