Next target for all constituencies:

Invalid vote share  10 %

Top three constituencies by invalid vote share:

Chorley, 3.41 %

Sheffield South East, 2.18 %

Cheltenham, 1.95 %

Biggest improvers (percentage increase):

Cheltenham, 759 %

Doncaster North, 648 %

Sheffield South East, 628 %

The above figures are correct as of 18 July 2024.

The 'biggest improvers' stats do not include new constituencies (due to the change of boundaries).


Our country, the United Kingdom, is divided, fragmented, tribal, corrupt, dysfunctional and on its knees. Our government is a puppet of Mr George's family, and is corrupt, bloated, and unaccountable to us. As a result of our voting system, we cannot vote for what we want. We cannot even vote against what we want, because removing Mr George's family's loyal government from power merely results in another one. Mr George's family's regime is an totalitarian one, and every time they replace their government with another one at a general election, our country continues along the path to a centre-ground dictatorship. There is no-longer such a thing as British values, because our government is not representative of our views. Our government has no mandate and cannot lead. Governance is by focus group (to placate us), the tail wagging the dog, so to speak, which is not leadership. Our MPs, police, military, and judiciary are loyal to Mr George's family (oath of allegiance), not to us. In "royal assent", Mr George's family has a veto on all legislation, a deterrent to reform. In "king's consent", Mr George's family has additional powers to deter reform that would affect their family. Through the embedded traditions of the weekly meetings with the prime minister/prime puppet, the Privy Council etc, Mr George's family ensures that its puppets don't go astray, or morph into representatives of the British people. On top of all this, Mr George's family controls the mainstream media, and feeds us daily propaganda, maintaining control of the thoughts and behaviour of those who cannot, or who don't have the will, to think and act independently of it (think Imperius Curse, for those versed with the Harry Potter books). All of this is a direct consequence of the voting system that we use for general elections, a voting system that embeds the status quo, allows corruption to flourish, and does not allow us to hold our elected representatives to account. If the above-listed problems are not convincing enough, know that voting reform is the key to unlocking all other reform. Our current voting system, for the House of Commons, is called first past the post. is the only UK political movement that is 100 % dedicated to voting reform for the House of Commons. Any political party that claims to want voting reform and that does not put it front and centre of its policies is not to be trusted. Even political parties that put voting reform front and centre of their policies are to be viewed with a great deal of scepticism. Such is the unfortunate state of British politics. On the other hand, pressure groups serve Mr George's family, not us. They make noise but have no viable plan. They suck up precious pro-reform resources and act as excellent focus groups for Mr George's family. As for those groups that claim to be pressure groups but, in reality, are resource-sapping, large-scale focus groups run by Mr George's family (the Electoral Reform Society and Republic, for example), they should be avoided at all costs. is neither a political party, a pressure group, nor a focus group. It is a movement that capitalises on the fact that spoilt ballot papers are counted, and the figures are published. It effectively turns the option of spoiling one's ballot paper into a 'vote' in itself, with no candidate deposit required. By this means, puts the future of voting reform, and therefore our country, directly into our hands. This is a huge responsibility, and our decisions will have profound consequences. What will you do with this power?


We need a voting system that gives the electorate meaningful choice at general elections. For this to happen, the voting system must be one that rewards political parties (in seats/MPs) according to their level of support (in votes) from the British people. For this to happen, the voting system's electoral threshold must be low and the system must be proportional. The specific voting system that we will put in place for general elections will be the Closed List Party-List system with the following details:

We will also hold a snap general election using this voting system. When we hold this snap general election, you will be able to vote for what you want. This will include changing the voting system if the above system is not your preferred option.


1. Register to receive a ballot paper if you have not already registered.

2. Cast your ballot paper spoilt at the next UK general election.

3. In any constituency, when the percentage of spoilt ballot papers, out of all ballot papers cast, is greater than, or equal to, 10 %, vote for's candidate at the next such election.

4. When there are a sufficient number of MPs, have them legislate in accordance with this movement's aim.


Note for Step 2. If you opt to receive your ballot paper at a polling station (as opposed to by post), the polling-station staff may instruct you to vote, and explain how to do this e.g. "draw a cross in one of the boxes". (Mr George's family wants as much validation for their voting system as possible.) The staff should not be instructing you in this way, as you have just as much right to spoil your ballot paper as you do to vote. Just ignore their (illegal?) instructions and cast your ballot paper spoilt.

Note for Step 3: The candidate names will be displayed on this website. In parliament, MPs will vote for the legislation necessary to achieve's aim, and they will abstain on all other votes. For us to not be represented on other policies is of no loss, as our politicians are anyway unaccountable to us and disloyal to us. While we execute our plan, Mr George's family's loyal politicians can continue to run the country for them.

Note for Step 4: This may be before or after has a majority of MPs in the House of Commons, depending on how many other MPs are prepared to support the legislation. Furthermore, MPs will need to have sworn the oath of allegiance to Mr George's family. This movement's aim is not, in itself, inconsistent with the oath. However, those elected under this movement who do not believe in the oath will be expected to lie under oath (as indeed it is expected that many MPs have already done), an unfortunate consequence of having an undemocratic oath.

You can find a flowchart for this plan by clicking on the 'Flowchart' link in the menu or by clicking here.

No Barrier to Entry

No funding is needed for this movement to gain traction, just spoilt ballot papers. Funding will be needed later, for candidate deposits, but there will be a good indication, from the percentage of spoilt ballot papers being greater than, or equal to, 10 % at the previous such election, that these deposits will be returned. At the time of writing, the electoral-deposit threshold is 5 %.

Time for Action

Register to vote. Make the pledge. Share this website. Become an electoral observer. Spoil your ballot paper. It's all free and easy. And the cumulative effect? Monumental.

Between now and the next general election, let's spread the word of this movement far and wide. Furthermore, for those who are in a position to do this, we should choose a way of life that weakens our country economically. So work less, pay less tax, consume less, and don't support our national institutions. The weaker our economy, the more questions will be asked of the way we are governed, the less effective Mr George's family's propaganda will be, and the faster Mr George's family's corrupt regime will be exposed for what it is. This is needed to accelerate the execution of our plan. The sooner we achieve our aim, the sooner we can be a great country again.

Through this movement, we have the power to fix our broken country. With our collective effort, the next general election will be, at that point in time, the most significant and meaningful general election in our country's history. Let's do this.