Public Appeal

The founder(s) is/are being persecuted. Please save each page of this website so that, should something happen to the founder(s), the vehicle of (with whatever new name, and in whatever new form, it might take) can keep on driving. in a Nutshell

What is

A vehicle to achieve voting reform to elect MPs to the House of Commons.

Why is voting reform needed?

Because our country, the United Kingdom (or should we call it the DK, the Divided Kingdom?), is in decline, and we, the British people, need to take charge. Our voting system, first past the most, ensures that establishment parties will always be head of government, governments that most of us did not vote for. We need a voting system that allows us to choose how we are governed.

How will deliver voting reform?

With Independent MPs.

What funding does need for the implementation of its plan to gain traction?

The cost of the domain name. Covered!

When candidate deposits are needed, how will they be funded?

Each candidate will be responsible for funding their deposit, either using their own funds or through fundraising.

What is the chance of these deposits being returned?

High, because only puts forward candidates when it has sufficient confidence that its candidates' vote shares will satisfy the deposit-return threshold (currently 5 %), as indicated by the proportion of ballot papers that will have been cast spoilt at the previous election.

What do you need us to do?

As the next step, we need all those in the UK electoral population to cast their ballot papers spoilt at their next House of Commons constituency election, whether that is at a general election or a by-election. We also need Britons to spread word of As a bonus, it helps if we minimise taxable transactions, withdraw support for public and national institutions (including, unfortunately, our sports teams), and, where feasible, resign from all public-sector roles (including all those in the security and defence sectors), a bit like going on a general strike.


Our country, the United Kingdom, was once a proud and prosperous nation. It is now becoming increasingly weak, corrupt, divided, tribal, and dysfunctional. The root cause of this lies in how we are governed.

Our country is a monarchy, not a democracy. Our country has never been a democracy. The evidence for this is available for those who have the will to find it, and for those who are open to see it. As a starting point (but need one go on?), our MPs swear a monarchical (and undemocratic) oath of allegiance to our monarch.

Our country is headed by our monarch. Beneath our monarch in the governance hierarchy lies the establishment. The establishment consists of the monarch's family, the aristocracy, all current MPs, peers, the civil service, mainstream political parties, the armed forces, the police force, the intelligence services, the judiciary, the mainstream media, industry leaders, large corporations, major financial institutions, and prestigious universities. They serve, and are loyal to, our monarch. The remaining 99.9 % of the population sits beneath this in the governance hierarchy.

Our country no-longer functions as a monarchy. We need reform. By this, and to use a metaphor, we do not mean the changing of the interior design, or even the rebuilding of the superstructure. We mean the fixing of our country's broken foundations. We must dismantle our constitution, and rebuild our country from the ground up. That starts with reform of the House of Commons voting system, so that we can choose how we are governed.

This matter is not about royalism, republicanism, libertarianism, authoritarianism, or left-right politics. It goes beyond that. It is about unity and survival. For our country to continue in this way is to accept defeat. The world is a big place, and every day that we limp on, foreign powers step in to take advantage of our weakness and disarray.

We cannot depend on the monarch or the establishment to fix our country's problems. Although they will suffer from our country's decline too, they will suffer last. We, the 99.9 %, are the ones taking the hits. We must step up and take charge. is neither a pressure group, a protest movement, nor a political party. It is a vehicle for us, the 99.9 %, to bring about the reform that our country needs. 

Next tasks for all of us in the electoral population: